August 27, 2010
'Show & Tell' exhibition

The current art works in the 'Show & Tell' exhibition at the Little River Gallery,
have been created to illustrate the treasures of our
They are also a commentary on the drastic loss of both, which are fading into obscurity, like an old portrait.
It has been said that “We ignore our past at our peril”
. And same goes for ignoring the fate of our wildlife.
I believe that if New Zealander's knew, that approx 80% of our wildlife (bird, fish, insect, sea mammal and so on) are either, Rare, Vulnerable or Endangered, they would be as shocked as I have been.
They would ask " how the hey, did that happen?"
So instead of getting all emotional about this, I'm trying to address this issue by using visual education, similar to what we've seen with the kiwi (who has some great publicists).
I want to help people to “get to know the 'natives”, (along with their various degrees of fragility.)
I confess that I'm also enjoying creating these personality portraits of creatures with a yarn to tell.
As a child I wanted to be a zoologist and I have a fascination for anything old especially with a story attached.
So I suppose it's natural that this mix has created the kind of work that's coming out of me now.
Much of our wildlife is in desperate need of publicity.
I can see that I will have many more characters to learn about, research & create and paint and print.
As I live on the